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Ireland Legislation

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3¼% National Security Loan, 1956-61 (Conversion) Regulations, S.I. No. 249/1961      -----      50) Order, S.I.
A (To view the items beginning with A: first select a range here)
Abandonment Order, 1982,      -----      Agricultural Produce (Cereals) Act, 1934
Agricultural Produce (Cereals) Act, 1936,      -----      Agricultural Seeds (Seeds
Agricultural Seeds (Specification)      -----      Air Navigation (Amendment) Order,
Air Navigation (Amendment) Regulations,      -----      Air Raid Precautions (Delegation
Air Raid Precautions Equipment      -----      An tOrdú Cultúir,
An tOrdú Logainmneacha      -----      Appointment of Special Adviser (Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government) Order 2011.
Appointment of Special Adviser (Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government) Order 2014.S.I.      -----      Appointment of Special Advisers (Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign
Appointment of Special Advisers (Tánaiste and Minister for Jobs,      -----      Aquaculture Appeals (Environmental
Aquaculture (Ballynakill) Order,      -----      Asset Covered Securities Act
Asset Covered Securities Act,      -----      Aviation Regulation Act,
B (To view the items beginning with B: first select a range here)
B & I      -----      Bass (Restriction on Sale) (No.
Bass (Restriction on Sale) Order,      -----      Bovine Diseases (Levies) Regulations, S.I. No. 299/1989
Bovine Diseases (Levies) Regulations, S.I. No. 400/1983      -----      Broadcasting Authority Act, 1960 (Section 31) Order
Broadcasting Authority Act, 1960 (Section 31) Order,      -----      Bulk Cream (Bounty) (No. 2)
Bulk Cream (Bounty) (No. 3)      -----      By-Law No. 456.
C (To view the items beginning with C: first select a range here)
Callan Traffic and      -----      Celtic Sea (Prohibition on Herring Fishing) (No. 3)
Celtic Sea (Prohibition on Herring Fishing) (No. 4)      -----      Central Bank Act (Approval of Scheme of the Hibernian
Central Bank Act (Approval of Scheme of the Munster      -----      Chemicals Act 2008 (Commencement)
Chemicals Act 2008 (Rotterdam      -----      Cigarettes (Maximum Prices) Order, 1947 (Amendment) (No. 1)
Cigarettes (Maximum Prices) Order, 1947 (Amendment) (No. 2)      -----      Circuit Court Rules, S.I. No. 212/1954
Circuit Court Rules, S.I. No. 261/1948      -----      Civil Service Regulation Act, Number 5/1924
Civil Service Regulation Act, Number 35/1923      -----      Cod (Restriction on Fishing) (No. 3) Order, S.I. No. 117/1999
Cod (Restriction on Fishing) (No. 3) Order, S.I. No. 279/1996      -----      Common Sole (Control of Fishing in Ices Divisions Viif) and Viig)) (Amendment) Order, S.I. No. 54/1990
Common Sole (Control of Fishing in Ices Divisions Viif) and Viig)) (Amendment) Order, S.I. No. 117/1992      -----      Companies Act 2014 (Professional
Companies Act 2014 (Recognised      -----      Comptroller and Auditor General (Amendment)
Comptroller and Auditor General and      -----      Conditions of Employment (Manufacture of Polyester-Type
Conditions of Employment (Manufacture of Records      -----      Constitution of Urban Authorities Order, 1942 (Amendment) Order, S.I. No. 163/1983
Constitution of Urban Authorities Order, 1942 (Amendment) Order, S.I. No. 198/1988      -----      Control of Exports Order, 1974
Control of Exports Order, 1983      -----      Control of Imports (Quota No. 2, Sixty-First
Control of Imports (Quota No. 2, Sixty-Second      -----      Control of Imports (Quota No. 8, Fourteenth
Control of Imports (Quota No. 8, Fourth      -----      Control of Imports (Quota No. 13, Third
Control of Imports (Quota No. 13, Thirteenth      -----      Control of Imports (Quota No. 25, Third
Control of Imports (Quota No. 25, Thirteenth      -----      Control of Imports (Quota No. 33)
Control of Imports (Quota No. 33,      -----      Control of Imports (Quota No. 38, Twenty-Fifth
Control of Imports (Quota No. 38, Twenty-First      -----      Control of Imports (Quotas Nos. 1 To 32) (Amendment) Order, 1939 (Amendment) Order, S.I. No. 168/1958
Control of Imports (Quotas Nos. 1 To 32) (Amendment) Order, 1939 (Amendment) Order, S.I. No. 345/1946      -----      Cork District Milk Board (Minimum Prices For Milk) Order, S.I. No. 99/1951
Cork District Milk Board (Minimum Prices For Milk) Order, S.I. No. 101/1937      -----      County Kerry (Dispensary Districts) (No.
County Kerry (Dispensary Districts) Order,      -----      County Scheme Order, Carlow
County Scheme Order, Cavan      -----      Courts (Supplemental Provisions) (Amendment) Act, Number 9/1964
Courts (Supplemental Provisions) (Amendment) Act, Number 15/2000      -----      Creamery Butter (Levy) (No.
Creamery Butter (Levy) Order,      -----      Criminal Justice Act
Criminal Justice Act,      -----      Criminal Justice (Terrorist Offences) Act 2005 (Section 42
Criminal Justice (Terrorist Offences) Act 2005 (Section 42)      -----      Currency Act, 1927,
Currency Act, Number      -----      Customs-Free Airport (Variation
D (To view the items beginning with D: first select a range here)
Dail Eireann Courts      -----      Data Protection Act 2018 (Section 159(1))
Data Protection Act 2018 (Section 159(2))      -----      Defence Forces (Pensions) (Amendment) (No.
Defence Forces (Pensions) (Amendment) Scheme,      -----      Derelict Sites (Urban Areas) Regulations, S.I. No. 440/2000
Derelict Sites (Urban Areas) Regulations, S.I. No. 578/2001      -----      Diseases of Animals Act 1966 (Avian Influenza) (Control on Imports of Avian Products From Belgium)
Diseases of Animals Act 1966 (Avian Influenza) (Control on Imports of Avian Products From Germany)      -----      Diseases of Animals (Notification of Bluetongue
Diseases of Animals (Notification of Infectious      -----      District Court (Criminal Justice (Surveillance) Act 2009) (No.
District Court (Criminal Justice (Surveillance) Act 2009) Rules      -----      District Court Districts and Areas (Amendment) Order, S.I. No. 20/1979
District Court Districts and Areas (Amendment) Order, S.I. No. 160/1997      -----      District Court (New Areas) Order, 1927 (Variation No. 148)
District Court (New Areas) Order, 1927 (Variation No. 149)      -----      Docks (Safety, Health
Documentary Evidence Act,      -----      Dublin Airport Bye-Laws,
Dublin Airport (Parking      -----      Dublin Harbour Works Order
Dublin Harbour Works Order,      -----      Dyestuffs (Import Regulation)
E (To view the items beginning with E: first select a range here)
Early Years’ Service      -----      Electoral (Amendment) Act
Electoral (Amendment) Act,      -----      Electricity Regulation Act,
Electricity Regulation Act      -----      Emergency Imposition of Duties (No. 108)
Emergency Imposition of Duties (No. 109)      -----      Emergency Imposition of Duties (No. 318)
Emergency Imposition of Duties (No. 319)      -----      Emergency Powers (No. 118) Order, 1941 (Suspension of Section 5 of the Control of Imports Act, 1934) (No.
Emergency Powers (No. 118) Order, 1941 (Suspension of Section 5 of the Control of Imports Act, 1934) (Nos.      -----      Employment Regulation (No. 2) Order (Paper Box Joint Labour Committee), S.I. No. 153/1951
Employment Regulation (No. 2) Order (Paper Box Joint Labour Committee), S.I. No. 208/1962      -----      Employment Regulation Order (Creameries
Employment Regulation Order (Early      -----      Employment Regulation Order (Messengers (Cork City Area) Joint Labour Committee), S.I. No. 181/1968
Employment Regulation Order (Messengers (Cork City Area) Joint Labour Committee), S.I. No. 205/1966      -----      Employment Regulation Order (Sugar
Employment Regulation Order (Tailoring      -----      Enterprise, Trade and Innovation (Delegation of Ministerial Functions) (No.
Enterprise, Trade and Innovation (Delegation of Ministerial Functions) Order      -----      European Assembly (Irish Representatives) Act,
European Assembly (Irish Representatives) Pensions      -----      European Communities (Approval
European Communities (Aquaculture      -----      European Communities (Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment) (Amendment) Regulations 2015.S.I. No. 31/2015
European Communities (Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment) (Amendment) Regulations 2015.S.I. No. 31/2015      -----      European Communities (Conservation of Wild Birds (Illaunonearaun
European Communities (Conservation of Wild Birds (Inishduff      -----      European Communities (Corporate
European Communities (Cosmetic      -----      European Communities (Emergency Measures Regarding Chilli
European Communities (Emergency Measures Regarding Hot      -----      European Communities (Foodstuffs Intended
European Communities (Foodstuffs Treated      -----      European Communities (Insurance And
European Communities (Insurance Mediation)      -----      European Communities (Licensing and Supervision of Credit Institutions) (Amendment)
European Communities (Licensing and Supervision of Credit Institutions) Regulations,      -----      European Communities (Merchandise Road Transport) (Amendment) Regulations, S.I. No. 67/1995
European Communities (Merchandise Road Transport) (Amendment) Regulations, S.I. No. 217/1992      -----      European Communities (Non-Automatic Weighing Machines) (Amendment) Regulations, S.I. No. 165/1984
European Communities (Non-Automatic Weighing Machines) (Amendment) Regulations, S.I. No. 287/1983      -----      European Communities (Pesticide Residues) (Foodstuffs of Animal Origin) (Amendment) Regulations, S.I. No. 460/2000
European Communities (Pesticide Residues) (Foodstuffs of Animal Origin) (Amendment) Regulations, S.I. No. 534/2002      -----      European Communities (Public
European Communities (Pure-Bred      -----      European Communities (Road Transport) (Recording Equipment) Regulations
European Communities (Road Transport) (Recording Equipment) Regulations,      -----      European Communities (Surveillance of Certain Clothing
European Communities (Surveillance of Certain Copper      -----      European Communities (Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information System) (Amendment)
European Communities (Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information System) Regulations      -----      European Union (Burma/Myanmar) (Financial Sanctions) (No.
European Union (Burma/Myanmar) (Financial Sanctions) Regulations      -----      European Union (Environmental Impact Assessment and Habitats) (Section 181 of the Planning and Development Act 2000) Regulations S.I. No. 418/2019
European Union (Environmental Impact Assessment and Habitats) (Section 181 of the Planning and Development Act 2000) Regulations S.I. No. 418/2019      -----      European Union Habitats (Cloonakillina
European Union Habitats (Cloonchambers      -----      European Union Habitats (Philipston
European Union Habitats (Pollagoona      -----      European Union (Marine Equipment) (Amendment) Regulations 2015.S.I.
European Union (Marine Equipment) (Amendment) Regulations S.I.      -----      European Union (Regulation
European Union (Renewable      -----      European Union (Restrictive Measures concerning Libya) (No.3) Regulations S.I. No. 340/2021
European Union (Restrictive Measures concerning Libya) (No.3) Regulations S.I. No. 456/2022      -----      European Union (Restrictive Measures concerning Venezuela) (No. 2) Regulations S.I. No. 250/2018
European Union (Restrictive Measures concerning Venezuela) (No. 2) Regulations S.I. No. 386/2020      -----      European Union (Waste
European Union (Water      -----      Exportation Of Certain Goods (Horses
Exportation Of Certain Goods (Implements      -----      Extradition (United States
F (To view the items beginning with F: first select a range here)
Factories (Abrasive Blasting      -----      Finance Act, 2000 (Section 48)
Finance Act, 2000 (Section 63)      -----      Finance Act, Number 14/1982
Finance Act, Number 15/1933      -----      Financial Services Ombudsman
Financial Support Fund      -----      First Period) (Miscellaneous
First-Aid in Factories      -----      Fishery By-Law No. 451.
Fishery By-Law No. 452.      -----      Fluoridation of Water Supplies (Louth)
Fluoridation of Water Supplies (Mayo)      -----      Foreign Parcel Post Amendment (No. 28)
Foreign Parcel Post Amendment (No. 29)      -----      Fuels (Control of Supplies) Order,
Fuels (Control of Supplies) (Regulation      -----      Further Education and
G (To view the items beginning with G: first select a range here)
Gaeltacht Act 2012      -----      Garda Síochána (Admissions and Appointments) (Amendment)
Garda Síochána (Admissions and Appointments) Regulations      -----      Gas (Amendment) Act 1987 (Section 2) (Distribution) (Amendment) Order 2015.S.I.
Gas (Amendment) Act 1987 (Section 2) (Distribution) (Amendment) Order S.I.      -----      Great Northern Railway Company (Ireland) Pension Fund For Wages Staff (Amendment) (No.
Great Northern Railway Company (Ireland) Pension Fund For Wages Staff (Amendment) Scheme      -----      Guidelines Issued Under
H (To view the items beginning with H: first select a range here)
Haddock (Fisheries Management      -----      Hallmarking (Amendment) Act 2019 (Commencement) Order S.I. No. 439/2019
Hallmarking (Amendment) Act 2019 (Commencement) Order S.I. No. 439/2019      -----      Harbour Rates (Harbours of Dublin, Skerries and Balbriggan),
Harbour Rates (Harbours of Dublin, Skerries and Balbriggan)      -----      Hay and Straw
Hay, Straw and      -----      Health Act 2004 (Establishment
Health Act 2004 (National      -----      Health Contributions (Amendment) Regulations, S.I. No. 70/1989
Health Contributions (Amendment) Regulations, S.I. No. 73/1984      -----      Health Insurance (Amendment) Act 49
Health Insurance (Amendment) Act 53      -----      Health Services Regulations, S.I. No. 97/1976
Health Services Regulations, S.I. No. 105/1971      -----      Home-Grown Wheat (National Percentage For Cereal Year 1942-43)
Home-Grown Wheat (National Percentage For Cereal Year 1943-44)      -----      Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Act 2013 (Commencement)
Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Act 2013      -----      Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act,
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act      -----      Hydrocarbon Oils Regulations,
I (To view the items beginning with I: first select a range here)
Iarnród Éireann -      -----      Imposition of Duties (Confirmation of Orders) Act, Number 6/1942
Imposition of Duties (Confirmation of Orders) Act, Number 7/1955      -----      Imposition of Duties (No. 92)
Imposition of Duties (No. 93)      -----      Income Tax and Corporation Tax (Relevant Contracts Tax) (Amendment) Regulations 2015.S.I. No. 5/2015
Income Tax and Corporation Tax (Relevant Contracts Tax) (Amendment) Regulations 2015.S.I. No. 5/2015      -----      Industrial Property Rules, 1927 (Amendment) Rules, S.I. No. 315/1980
Industrial Property Rules, 1927 (Amendment) Rules, S.I. No. 332/1987      -----      Industrial Training Levy (Construction Industry) Order, S.I. No. 245/1986
Industrial Training Levy (Construction Industry) Order, S.I. No. 251/1981      -----      Infectious Diseases (Maintenance Allowances) Regulations, S.I. No. 236/1994
Infectious Diseases (Maintenance Allowances) Regulations, S.I. No. 592/2001      -----      Insurance (Intermittent Unemployment) Act, 1942 (Amendment of Rates of Supplementary Benefit) Regulations, S.I. No. 290/1954
Insurance (Intermittent Unemployment) Act, 1942 (Amendment of Rates of Supplementary Benefit) Regulations, S.I. No. 366/1951      -----      Investor Compensation Act 1998 (Prescription of Bodies and Persons) Regulations 2015.S.I. No. 395/2015
Investor Compensation Act 1998 (Prescription of Bodies and Persons) Regulations 2015.S.I. No. 395/2015      -----      Irish Nationality and Citizenship (Fees)
Irish Nationality and Citizenship Regulations,      -----      Islands (Transfer of
J (To view the items beginning with J: first select a range here)
James Connolly Memorial      -----      Justice (Transfer of
K (To view the items beginning with K: first select a range here)
Keeping of Fireworks      -----      Kyoto Protocol Flexible
L (To view the items beginning with L: first select a range here)
Labour Affairs and      -----      Land Purchase Acts.
Land Purchase Acts.      -----      Light Railway (Regulation of Travel and Use) Bye-laws 2015.S.I. No. 322/2015
Light Railway (Regulation of Travel and Use) Bye-laws 2015.S.I. No. 322/2015      -----      Local Elections (Adaptation)
Local Elections (Amendment)      -----      Local Government (Charges) Act
Local Government (Charges) (Amendment)      -----      LOCAL GOVERNMENT RATES
Local Government (Rates)      -----      Local Loans Fund Act,
Local Loans Fund (Amendment)      -----      Luas Line A)
M (To view the items beginning with M: first select a range here)
Mackerel (Fisheries Management      -----      Maternity and Child Health Services (Amendment) Regulations, S.I. No. 70/1966
Maternity and Child Health Services (Amendment) Regulations, S.I. No. 158/1954      -----      Maximum Prices (Frozen Foods) (No. 4) Order, S.I. No. 338/1982
Maximum Prices (Frozen Foods) (No. 4) Order, S.I. No. 357/1980      -----      Maximum Prices (Milk) Order, S.I. No. 115/1984
Maximum Prices (Milk) Order, S.I. No. 116/1988      -----      Medical Act, 1925,
Medical Act, 1925      -----      Members of the Oireachtas and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Allowances and Salaries) Order,
Members of the Oireachtas and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Allowances and Salaries) Order      -----      Merchant Shipping (Forms
Merchant Shipping (Grain)      -----      Messengers (Limerick City) Joint Labour Committee (Abolition)
Messengers (Limerick City) Joint Labour Committee Establishment      -----      Milk (Retail Price) (Cork Sale District) Order, S.I. No. 141/1953
Milk (Retail Price) (Cork Sale District) Order, S.I. No. 150/1948      -----      Minister For Local Government (Agency)
Minister For Local Government and      -----      Monk (Fisheries Management and Conservation) (No 10) Order, S.I. No. 256/2003
Monk (Fisheries Management and Conservation) (No 10) Order, S.I. No. 315/2002      -----      Mullingar Parking Temporary Rules, S.I. No. 83/1968
Mullingar Parking Temporary Rules, S.I. No. 105/1970      -----      Mutual Assistance in
N (To view the items beginning with N: first select a range here)
Naas Traffic and      -----      National Health Insurance. S.I.
National Health Insurance. Small      -----      National Treasury Management Agency (Amendment) Act
National Treasury Management Agency (Amendment) Act,      -----      Nature Reserve (North
Nature Reserve (Oldhead      -----      Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland Rules Pursuant
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland Rules Specifying      -----      Nursing Homes Support
O (To view the items beginning with O: first select a range here)
Oatmeal (Maximum Prices)      -----      Oifig an Ard-Chláraitheora (Hours of Business) (Temporary) Regulations, S.I. No. 89/1983
Oifig an Ard-Chláraitheora (Hours of Business) (Temporary) Regulations, S.I. No. 287/1976      -----      Old Age Pensions Act, 1932,
Old Age Pensions Act, Number      -----      Ozone in Ambient
P (To view the items beginning with P: first select a range here)
Package Holidays and      -----      Performers' Protection (Foreign Countries) (Amendment)
Performers' Protection (Foreign Countries) Order,      -----      Physiotherapists Registration Board Criteria
Physiotherapists Registration Board Delayed      -----      Planning and Development (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations S.I. No. 30/2018
Planning and Development (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations S.I. No. 210/2021      -----      Post Office Savings Bank (Interest on Deposits) Regulations, S.I. No. 58/1996
Post Office Savings Bank (Interest on Deposits) Regulations, S.I. No. 85/1988      -----      Prison Development (Confirmation
Prison (Disciplinary Code      -----      Prospectus (Directive 2003/71/EC) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2012.
Prospectus (Directive 2003/71/EC) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2015.S.I.      -----      Public Health (tobacco)
Public Health (Tobacco)      -----      Pyrite Resolution (standard
Q (To view the items beginning with Q: first select a range here)
Qualifications and Quality      -----      Quarries (General) Regulations,
R (To view the items beginning with R: first select a range here)
Rabbits (Control) Order,      -----      Redundancy Payments Act
Redundancy Payments Act,      -----      Registration of Births (Amendment)
Registration of Births and      -----      Regulations Entitled Telephone
Regulations Entitled Wireless      -----      Restrictive Trade Practices (Confirmation
Restrictive Trade Practices (Cookers      -----      Road Traffic Act
Road Traffic Act,      -----      Road Traffic (Driving Mirrors -
Road Traffic (Driving Mirrors Additional      -----      Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles) (Amendment) Regulations, S.I. No. 273/1983
Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles) (Amendment) Regulations, S.I. No. 274/1967      -----      Road Traffic (Speed Limits) (County of Offaly) Regulations, S.I. No. 81/1983
Road Traffic (Speed Limits) (County of Offaly) Regulations, S.I. No. 132/1968      -----      Road Vehicles (Registration and Licensing) (Amendment) Regulations, S.I. No. 30/1991
Road Vehicles (Registration and Licensing) (Amendment) Regulations, S.I. No. 38/1976      -----      Rules of the Superior Courts (European Communities
Rules of the Superior Courts (European Enforcement      -----      Rural Roads (Planting
S (To view the items beginning with S: first select a range here)
Safety, Health and      -----      Savings Certificates (Issue 22)
Savings Certificates (Issue 23)      -----      Sea Fisheries (Miscellaneous
Sea Fisheries (Non-Gill      -----      Seanad Electoral (Charges of Returning Officers in University Constituencies) Order, S.I. No. 211/1961
Seanad Electoral (Charges of Returning Officers in University Constituencies) Order, S.I. No. 236/1981      -----      Sheriffs' Fees Order, S.I. No. 1/1958
Sheriffs' Fees Order, S.I. No. 230/1963      -----      S.I. No. 505/2010
S.I. No. 506/2010      -----      S.I. No. 673/2010
S.I. No. 674/2010      -----      Social Welfare Act, 1998 (Section 21)(Commencement)
Social Welfare Act, 1998 (Section 22)      -----      Social Welfare (Children's Allowances) Act, 1952
Social Welfare (Children's Allowances) Act, 1952.      -----      Social Welfare (Consolidated Contributions and Insurability) (Amendment) (Credited Contributions) Regulations, S.I. No. 75/2003
Social Welfare (Consolidated Contributions and Insurability) (Amendment) (Credited Contributions) Regulations, S.I. No. 263/2000      -----      Social Welfare (Consolidated Supplementary Welfare Allowance) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations,
Social Welfare (Consolidated Supplementary Welfare Allowance) (Amendment) (No. 2) (Rent      -----      Social Welfare (Insurable
Social Welfare (Insurance      -----      Social Welfare (Occupational Injuries) (Amendment) Regulations, S.I. No. 102/2001
Social Welfare (Occupational Injuries) (Amendment) Regulations, S.I. No. 120/2000      -----      Social Welfare (Rent Allowance) (Amendment) Regulations, S.I. No. 236/1997
Social Welfare (Rent Allowance) (Amendment) Regulations, S.I. No. 240/1994      -----      Solicitors' Accounts (Amendment
Solicitors Accounts (Amendment)      -----      Stamp Duty (Designation of Clearing Houses) (No.
Stamp Duty (Designation of Clearing Houses) Regulations      -----      State Property Act, Number 25/1954
State Property Act, Number 44/1998      -----      Statistics (Quarterly Survey of Construction) Order S.I. No. 55/2021
Statistics (Quarterly Survey of Construction) Order S.I. No. 73/2017      -----      Sugar (Maximum Prices) (No. 2)
Sugar (Maximum Prices) (No. 3)      -----      Supreme Court and High Court (Fees)
Supreme Court and High Court (Fees)(No.      -----      Sydney Parade) (Sydney
T (To view the items beginning with T: first select a range here)
Tabacco Act (Manufacturers'      -----      Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 (Qualifying Town Renewal Areas) (Foxford, County Mayo) (Amendment)
Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 (Qualifying Town Renewal Areas) (Foxford, County Mayo) Order      -----      Taxes Consolidation Act,
Taxes Consolidation Act      -----      Telecommunications (Amendment) (No.
Telecommunications (Amendment No.      -----      The Colorado Beetle Order, S.I. No. 0/1923
The Colorado Beetle Order, S.I. No. 0/1930      -----      The Great Southern Railways (Ballina-Killala)
The Great Southern Railways Company      -----      The Money Order Amendment (No. 13)
The Money Order Amendment (No. 34)      -----      The Road Transport Act, 1933, (Part II)
The Road Transport Act, 1933, (Part V)      -----      The Statistics (Salmon,
The Statistics (Sea      -----      Tobacco Products (Control of Advertising, Sponsorship and Sales Promotion) (No.
Tobacco Products (Control of Advertising, Sponsorship and Sales Promotion) Regulations,      -----      Trade Marks Rules, 1963 (Amendment) Rules, S.I. No. 187/1980
Trade Marks Rules, 1963 (Amendment) Rules, S.I. No. 199/1983      -----      Transit of Animals Order, S.I. No. 120/1982
Transit of Animals Order, S.I. No. 338/1991      -----      Trustee Savings Banks (Interest on Deposits in Special Account) (No. 3) Regulations, S.I. No. 250/1986
Trustee Savings Banks (Interest on Deposits in Special Account) (No. 3) Regulations, S.I. No. 271/1989      -----      Tyres and Tubes
U (To view the items beginning with U: first select a range here)
Udaras na Gaeltachta      -----      University College, Galway (Extension of Term of Office of Governing Body) Order, S.I. No. 358/1940
University College, Galway (Extension of Term of Office of Governing Body) Order, S.I. No. 508/1941      -----      U.S.A.). Relief of
V (To view the items beginning with V: first select a range here)
Valuation Act, 1988      -----      Value-Added Tax Regulations 2010 (Regulation 15)
Value-Added Tax Regulations 2010 (Regulation 34A)      -----      Vocational Education (Grants For Annual Schemes of Committees) Regulations, S.I. No. 172/2000
Vocational Education (Grants For Annual Schemes of Committees) Regulations, S.I. No. 189/1961      -----      Voluntary Health Insurance
W (To view the items beginning with W: first select a range here)
Wages Staff Pension      -----      Water Services (No. 2) Act 2013 (Transfer
Water Services (No. 2) Act 2013      -----      Wicklow County (District
Wicklow County (Extension      -----      Winter Time Order, S.I. No. 371/1992
Winter Time Order, S.I. No. 395/1994      -----      Worker Participation (Nitrigin
Worker Participation (Nítrigin      -----      Wto (Designation and
Y (To view the items beginning with Y: first select a range here)
Youghal Parking Bye-Laws,      -----      Youth Work (Transfer of Departmental Administration and Ministerial Functions) Order 2008 S.I. No. 596/2008

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